Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One More Thing

Well, this has been a looong semester!  23 things is a great roller coaster ride.  Just when things look hard you hit the downhill part of the coaster!  I have enjoyed learning more about web 2.0.  I knew that there was a lot of things I did not know about the internet, but felt that I did not need these things.  Boy, was I wrong!  I plan to implement many of the things I learned into my classroom.  A lot of the things we have learned I am already using in my other classes.  My favorite things to do were animoto, flikr, and you tube.  I had a hard time with things like the online productivity sites.  I guess the ones that took a lot of time and thought. 
I plan to keep up with web 2.0 by keeping my rss feeds active and going to conferences.  I do plan to use the things I learned in my lifelong learning.  With my class, my schooling, and my personal life.  I am really excited to see what the future holds for the internet!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thing #22

The binders I created were called Pride and Prejudice, Educational tools, and Educational papers.  The last two are for my personal use.  The Pride and Prejudice binder was based on the unit plan I created this semester. 
I could use this in my class with my smart board to teach lessons, I would not need my jump drive!  I could have my students help me create a binder based off of notes we took in the class.  This could be fun for the students knowing that they are helping me to create something that I will use for a very long time.

My live binder

Monday, April 16, 2012

Thing #23

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. This site clearly states that it has borrowed and revised the work and that it has been copyrighted by creative Commons.
When I was looking for this post I found many sites that were based off of 23 things.  I like this type of web collaboration and Creative Commons makes this easy.
  I am glad I have an easy way to teach students about copyright laws.  Now I can show students how to search the internet for things they are legally able to use.

My Animoto Video

My Animoto Video

My Animoto Video

My Animoto Video

Thing #21

Animoto was a neat experience.  I had fun looking at pictures of my kids from when they were little.  I think this could be a great tool to use in the classroom.  We could create pieces of experiences that we had on trips and things!  I think that Animoto is easy enough for my seven year old to navigate through (once you get the pictures into the account).